Online & Mobile Services /

Merc Personal Payments

Powered by PayPal

Merc P2P is the ability via Mercantile Online Banking to make payments anytime, anywhere via the convenience of your phone, tablet, or desktop.

All you need is the recipient's email address or cell phone number, no exchange of personal banking information is required.

Once you send the payment, the recipient receives a text message and/or email confirming receipt of the funds. The service is powered by PayPal™, a payments network with over 78 million users worldwide. Mercantile Bank of Michigan was the first bank in the U.S. to offer this mobile payments platform using PayPal™.

Merc P2P is free to use. All Mercantile consumer Online Banking users automatically have access. If you have a PayPal account, we will help you connect your Mercantile accounts.  If you do not have PayPal, we will help you create an account.

*Access to MercMobile® Personal Payments requires an active Mercantile Internet Banking profile. The service will be terminated if Internet Banking is deactivated.

Why would I use MercMobile Personal Payments?

Paying via the Merc P2P is instant and easy for anything "on the go" or "spur of the moment" - no need to find an ATM, no hassling with checks. So the possibilities are unlimited. Some common needs might be:

  • Split the tab at the restaurant/bar
  • Pay the babysitter, lawn service, house cleaner, etc.
  • Collect funds for causes - charitable donations, going in together on baby shower gifts, etc.
  • Purchases at garage sales, craft shows, eBay, home parties (candles, kitchenware, jewelry, etc.)
  • Pay the kids (at college, allowances, at the mall, etc.)

How does it work?

From the Menu, Select Transfers & Payments, then PayPal and follow the prompts.

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